Mixed vegetable Paratha || Copy cat recipe of Haldirams

Mixed vegetable Paratha || Copy cat recipe of Haldirams

Mixed vegetable Paratha is one of my all time favorite meal options, the beauty of this stuffed flat bread is that you can enjoy it as breakfast, snack and a meal – choice is yours.! First of all I would like to apologize for the lousy pictures, I was really in a hurry and couldn’t get the best shots but I promise you they taste so delicious.

Haldirams sell their 4 pack mix veg parathas in the frozen section and they are really good, but like any other store bought food it has some unnecessary ingredients like too much sodium,oil(fats). So I decided to make my own by following the ingredients they used. I must say that this paratha recipe is so tasty I will never miss the Haldiram’s paratha .

The best part is I made them in bulk and froze the uncooked paratha for later use, so on a busy day all I have to do is roast the frozen paratha and my meal is ready to dig in. The way i freeze is I take a paratha and place a piece of plastic wrap on it and place the next one, when I have a bunch of them I put them in a gallon sized ziplock bag – Easy Peasy.! 

Now you can modify this recipe to your taste, adjust the spices, veggies used etc. This make a great lunchbox options for kids as they can just eat bite sized pieces of this yummy paratha and they get their daily dose of veggies too 😀 

Parathas are best served with Yogurt( or Raitha) and Pickle. But any side dish like curry, gravies or stir fry also goes very well. I hope you like this easy Mixed vegetable Paratha recipe, if you did leave a comment below which brand paratha is your favorite?

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If you try it or like this recipe then please don’t forget to give a rating for the recipe below in the summary box, it means a lot.! 

FYI *** I made this recipe to make the parathas in bulk – approx 24 parathas

Mixed vegetable Paratha

  • 3 medium Potatoes
  • 1 large Cauliflower
  • 2 Carrots
  • 1 medium Onion (finely chopped)
  • 1 cup Green peas
  • 5 Garlic cloves (finely chopped)
  • 2 inch Ginger piece (finely chopped)
  • 14 oz Crumbled Paneer
  • 2 to 3 tbsp Cilantro (chopped)
  • 1 Sprig Curry leaves
  • 2 tbsp Oil
  • 1 tbsp Cumin seeds
  • Extra Oil/ghee/butter (to roast the parathas)


  • 2.5 tbsps Coriander powder
  • 1.5 tbsps Chaat Masala
  • 1.5 tbsp Amchur (Dry Mango powder)
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Red chili powder (to taste)

To make Dough

  • 5 cups Whole wheat flour ((substitute – all purpose flour))
  • salt (to taste)
  • Water (as needed to knead the dough)

Prepare Dough

  1. Take the whole wheat flour and salt, mix well. 

  2. Add water slowly and knead. The dough shouldn’t be too hard or too soft .. somewhere in between.

  3. Rest the dough for 10 to 15 mins. 

Prepare Stuffing/Filling

  1. Boil Potatoes,cauliflower,carrots until soft. You can pressure cook them for 2 whistles or boil them in hot water.

  2. Cool down the boiled vegetables. Mash them using a masher or shred them in a food processor. They should be smooth but have a slight texture too them. If they have little bit of moisture, that’s ok we will take care of that later.

  3. Now take a deep pan on medium heat and add oil. 

  4. Once oil is hot add cumin seeds,curry leaves, garlic and ginger. Fry for a minute.

  5. Now add onions, fry till onions are soft and edges turn slight brown

  6. Now add all the spices, paneer,cilantro, peas and mashed vegetables. Fry till the mixture is dry on medium-low flame 

  7. Let the mixture cool down. 

Making the Parathas

  1. Take the dough and knead again for 2 minutes to smoothen out.

  2. Now take equal portions of dough and stuffing. (you can take more stuffing as per your liking)

  3. You can stuff the stuffing in two ways, choice is yours.

  4. First way – Roll the dough using a rolling pin into double the size of the stuffing, place the stuffing on the rolled dough and bring all the sides of the dough together and close it – now it should look like a ball, pinch of excess dough at the top. 

  5. Second way – Alternatively you can roll out two flat breads and place the stuffing in between them, just like a quesadilla.

  6. Now gently roll the stuffed dough ball into a flat bread. Some of the stuffing might break out while rolling and thats ok, just gently roll by occasionally dusting with flour. The thickness should be around 1/4th inch

  7. Now take this paratha on a flat hot griddle, roast on both sides with oil/butter/ghee till you see small golden brown spots on both sides. 

  8. Repeat this process to finish all the dough and filling.

  9. Serve hot with Pickle and Yogurt.

1. I used Instant pot electric pressure cooker to boil the veggies, manual high 4 mins and NPR. I placed the whole cauliflower inside instead of making into pieces.

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