Homemade Butter, ghee and paneer from Whipping cream

Homemade Butter, ghee and paneer from Whipping cream

This post is all about how to make homemade butter, ghee and paneer( Indian Cheese) from just one ingredient that is ” Heavy whipping cream“. It is very to easy to make butter,ghee and paneer at home, just little time taking but the result is so worth it.



If you are interested, check out my homemade ghee in Instant pot

For this homemade butter I am using Costco’s Heavy Whipping Cream which was $4.99 I believe. From this bottle I got approx 1/2 cup paneer, approx 12 oz ghee. ( I used all my butter to make ghee). I used all the whey in my curry, so there was zero waste and all nutrition was utilized effectively.


I am not a big butter person, but a huge ghee fanatic. Ghee is so good for the body, checkout the benefits of ghee.

If you want you can flavor the butter with any herbs you like, or even with garlic. But homemade butter doesn’t have any preservatives, so its shelf life is short, so always store in fridge.

I made paneer from the buttermilk, which gave very low yield but the taste is just so superior to any other paneer I have tasted. I have a homemade paneer post here where I used whole milk, still this paneer from butter milk beats it.

Check out the uses of leftover whey water




It took me approximately 40 -45 mins from churning the cream to finishing up the paneer and ghee. I didn’t feel tired or anything but I wouldn’t do this process again( may be I will do but not often). It is not that cost effective but very taste effective 🙂

I remember my mom used to collect the cream aka malai in a steel box and store it in fridge, when enough cream got collected we used to make ghee. The churning with a hand whisk (Kavvam in Telugu) is extremely laborious, me and my mom used to take turns till we see the fruits of our labor i.e. butter.! Once butter is ready, ghee can be prepared in no less than 10 mins. 

The coolest thing about homemade butter is just that you need one main ingredient that is cream, can you believe it we can make 4 products out of just cream 1. butter 2. ghee 3. butter milk and 4. paneer. Just amazing..!!

Eat the Ghee solids with Rice and Pickle. When I made this , I ate it with spicy peanut powder (podi). Just Yumm.! 


Ghee solids mixed with Hot rice.



Ghee solids mixed with rice and Spicy peanut powder

How to make Ghee,butter and Paneer from Heavy cream

  • one quart or 946 ml Heavy cream
  • 720 ml Water (approx)
  • 2.5 tsps Vinegar (or as needed)

Make Butter from Heavy Cream

  1. Churn using a hand blender or food processor
  2. Add water to make the cream loosen ( as it gets stiffer when churning)
  3. After 5 mins you will see butter leaving butter milk. Now you can stop churning.
  4. Squeeze out the buttermilk as much as you can from the butter.
  5. If you want to use the butter and don’t want to make ghee then,
  6. Wash the butter in cold water and squeeze again as much as you can ( this will ensure that butter will have longer life and doesn’t spoil quickly due to moisture).
  7. If you are making ghee, then even if little moisture is there no problem , as we are going to cook the butter, any liquid will evaporate.

Make Paneer from Butter milk

  1. In a sauce pan, add butter milk and bring it to boil.
  2. Once boiling add vinegar to break it down to paneer and whey. turn off heat.

Make butter from Ghee

  1. Now take the butter in a pan on medium heat. Cook the butter till the milk solids settle at bottom and butter turns into golden color.


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