Tag: Instant pot guide

Top 7 reasons Why you should open your Instant pot & use it right now.

Top 7 reasons Why you should open your Instant pot & use it right now.

Top 7 reasons Why you should open your Instant pot & use it right now.!!!! Hello friends, this small post is for you guys who are afraid to open the instant pot from the packaging and use it. For those who are afraid of pressure 

Instant Pot – Beginner Terminology

Instant Pot – Beginner Terminology

I have been there, where I was wondering , what is QR? or NR? and scratched my head in embarrassment. If you also felt in the same way or feeling the same way, I assure there is NO need to feel that way as everybody 

Instant Pot Review

Instant Pot Review

Instant pot Review  Welcome to Instant Pot Review post,  Here I will try to cover many instant pot basics, questions, tips etc. If you just bought an instant pot and looking to buy useful accessories then check out this page ->ACCESSORIES where I talk about the several