Instant Pot Review

Instant pot Review
Welcome to Instant Pot Review post, Here I will try to cover many instant pot basics, questions, tips etc. If you just bought an instant pot and looking to buy useful accessories then check out this page ->ACCESSORIES where I talk about the several genuine must have accessories I use and recommend.
So lets begin Instant pot Review
Why you should buy an Instant Pot : A review
I am using Instant pot from almost one year two years and I love it just like everyone else. I have multiple pressure cookers here in USA as well as in India. It is very common to use a pressure cooker, it ensures fast cooking, retaining the nutrition and cooks well. Now imagine all these features being electronically controlled rather than just a whistle, I know it is very convenient.
1. It is an electric pressure cooker and no magic involved.
2. You can cook multiple items in it ( which you can also do in a regular stove top pressure cooker by stacking vessels- my mom used to do it all the time , so when ppl say you can cook multiple items in the IP as if it is a new thing – no it is just “re-inventing the Cycle”.
3. It cooks rice in less than 4 minutes( sometimes even in less amount of time) – yes it does but BUILDING UP THE PRESSURE takes some time around 8 to 10 minutes( sometimes even more than that for very big quantities of food). So total time is almost same(give or take) when compared to stove top pressure cooker.
WHY and WHO should buy it??
1. For stove top pressure cooking , you need to monitor continuosly for whistles, and turning off the stove – This you can avoid in Instant pot.
Since it is electric pressure cooker with built in settings, it will automatically turn off the cooking for you , so you dont have to stand near by the
stove all the time. NO BABY SITTING.
2. So many BUILT IN functions : There are so many functions you can use for multiple cooking , some of them are Yogurt mode to make yogurt ,
Rice mode for rice, Slow cook mode etc.
3. Manually you can adjust time and pressure as well. Great for people who want to experiment in their cooking to find out the fastest times for
their cooking , which saves lot of time than to use preset functions.
4. Delayed timer , which means turn on the delayed timer in the morning and by the time you come from office you have fresh piping hot
homemade food ready to devour – PURE BLISS
6. Safety : UL and ULC certified with 10 proven safety mechanisms
7. Highly energy efficient and kitchen friendly – Less Electric bills.
8. ONE POT COOKING ( multiple , if cooking multiple dishes by stacking) so less clean up
and so many more…
SO PEOPLE who are looking for stainless steel cooking pot, cooking multiple items at once, dont want to stand in front of the stove baby sitting , busy parents, who wants fresh homemade food with less efforts, One pot cooking, Bulk cooking …. etc etc … YOU MUST BUY THIS.
So far none but it is OVERLY OVERRATED ( I agree it is very useful , I am in love with it but there is no MAGIC involved . As there is no
BABY SITTING involved people love it so much they over rate it. * I myself love it , so don’t get me wrong *
At thanksgiving 2016 I got it for arounf $85 including a protection plan .. Regular price varies but it is around $120. Honestly it is a very good INVESTMENT and would buy it for $120 if I was unable to grab it for the sale price.
YAY or NAY ?? I took it as it was only $10 for 4 years .. If you have kids, or you drop things frequently etc better take it Better safe than SORRY right?? You can always sleep peacefully.
If you are an experimental person and have a lot of time in Kitchen – answer is NO ,
You are better off with joining a Facebook group to find interesting recipes. Don’t forget to join Subbucooks facebook group But if you are busy , dont want to trial and error then yes buy couple of ebooks for quick cooking , ofcourse you can join facebook groups as well , since it is totally free 🙂
Awesome features , Very well built appliance and consistently improving for every new model. Perfect for almost every cooking need.
* DONT GET DISHEARTENED if your recipes failed when you started using it.. It happens to everyone .. it takes time and some trial and error to get the exact recipe timings to your taste and texture. Everyone who bought this has been through that phase , so give sometime and try 🙂
6 month UPDATE :
1. Clean up is a breeze , the stainless steel is almost like non stick and doesn’t need lot of scrubbing.
2. I do like to cook 2 things at a time and never tried 3 at a time as I am little afraid that some how they might get spilled while boiling and cooking
3. Saves time, one pot to clean , so my cooking time on stove is greatly reduced.
4. I have a guilty secret to share, I rarely clean the lid .. it never gets dirty or smelly so I am too lazy to clean it lol .. but I clean once a month or whenever I see splatters of food.
5. For tough stains, pour baking soda, vinegar, dish soap or essential oils into the pot, put the lid and do manual 2 mins. All the stains and stuck food easily comes off and it is a SPA day for your IP.
6. Now there are NEWER models available, cant wait to get them ( not sure when ).
7. So far I LOVE it and no regrets.
1 year UPDATE :
- Still using it and love it more everyday and I can say I am obsessed with it so much I started making videos on YouTube, if interested check them out here ->
- Make sure you check that you have your inner pot before throwing in the food , as I saw many people throwing food, liquids into the base accidentally thinking that they have placed the inner pot.
- Don’t do quick release with liquids,applesauce and foods like that as they contain lot of pressure and temperature , you may have a dangerous burst of hot liquid/food and get severe injuries
- Never place directly on the stove, as you may turn on the oven and it will melt your base of the Instant pot.
I hope you this Instant pot review was Insightful for you .!
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