Air fryer Pakora | Onion Pakoda | No fry Healthy Pakore

Air fryer Pakora | Onion Pakoda | No fry Healthy Pakore

I love my Airfryer and Low fat Air fryer Pakora is one of my favorites to make in it. These are also so healthy as they are not deep fried and there is no compromise in taste too. You can make these Air fryer Pakora 

Keto Garlic Bread Bites | Keto bread

Keto Garlic Bread Bites | Keto bread

I love garlic bread from pizza stores like Domino’s or pizza hut and I miss them very much on Keto diet. So here is a recipe for Keto Garlic Bread Bites. You can make this under 20 minutes and it is very filling too.. just 

Mango Semolina Cake in Oven and Airfryer || No eggs and All purpose Flour

Mango Semolina Cake in Oven and Airfryer || No eggs and All purpose Flour

This Mango Semolina Cake is your dream cake if you love mangoes and cake. It is made of Indian kesar mango goodness and semolina flour(aka Suji/Sooji/Ravva). This delicious cake doesn’t contain eggs and all purpose flour. This Mango Semolina Cake is protein rich and super delicious, 

Air fryer Tofu || Easy and Tasty Baked Tofu

Air fryer Tofu || Easy and Tasty Baked Tofu

Air fryer Tofu is very easy to make and takes less than 15 to 20 mins. Usually Tofu in oven takes longer time in my opinion and making this in air fryer reduces the cooking time, a big win for busy people like me 🙂  

Roasted potatoes – Air fryer

Roasted potatoes – Air fryer

Roasted potatoes is a easy recipe in air fryer. They can be a snack, appetizer or a meal on its own. Carb loaded potatoes roasted to perfection and seasoned with spices is a yummy treat at anytime of the day.  If using baby potatoes I