Andhra Mukkala Pulusu | Mixed vegetable stew | Dappalam

Andhra Mukkala Pulusu | Mixed vegetable stew | Dappalam

Mukkala pulusu is a special recipe with loads of flavors and basically it is a tangy sweet stew made from several vegetables. I asked my mom for her recipe and she gladly gave it to me and I am sharing the recipe with all of you. I hope you give it a try and I guarantee that you will love it as much as I do 🙂 

Mukkala pulusu has several names like Dappalam, Bellam pulusu, Thiyya pulusu etc. It is a popular recipe amongst telugu brahmins and it is very light and  nutritious too. It has good amount of veggies, spices that has tons of nutritional benefits. 

You can add other veggies as well like Okra, Sweet potato, Beans, Onions etc. I didn’t add onions but you can surely add them. This pulusu or stew goes very well with Hot rice or Dosa/Idli. It is also a great soup on its own. It is originally made less spicy or rather mildly spiced. But you can increase the spice level if you want. 

This typical Andhra dish is so tasty, just balanced with sweet, sour and tanginess. I hope you like this authentic Mukkala pulusu recipe from my mother 🙂 

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Andhra Mukkala Pulusu | Mixed vegetable stew | Dappalam

  • 1 small Pumpkin piece ((approx 2 cups))
  • 1 small Bottle gourd ((approx 2 cups))
  • 1 cup Drumsticks ((fresh or frozen))
  • 2 tbsp Rice ((or rice flour))
  • 2 tbsp Tamarind ((extract the pulp/juice from it))
  • 1-2 tbsp Jaggery or sugar (or as per taste (optional))
  • Water (as needed)
  • Salt (to taste)

Tempering ingredients

  • 1-2 tbsp Oil
  • 1/2 tsp Mustard seeds
  • 1/2 tsp Cumin seeds
  • few pinches Hing or Asafoetida
  • 1 sprig Curry leaves
  • 8-10 small Red chilies
  • 1/4 tsp Turmeric powder

Spice powders

  • 3 tbsp Roasted peanut powder
  • 2 tbsp Sesame seeds
  • 2 tbsp Methi spice powder ((recipe will be updated soon 🙂 ))


  1. Soak the rice in hot water for 10 to 20 mins and make a smooth paste out of it. If using rice flour then skip this step. 

  2. Extract the tamarind pulp/juice from tamarind by soaking in hot water

  3. If you already don’t have spice mixes, then roast peanuts and sesame seeds separately on low to medium flame. Grind them together into fine powder.

  4. Also prepare the methi spice mix. Recipe will be added soon. Methi spice mix can  be stored for upto 3 to 4 weeks, any later the spice will lose its flavor. 

  5. clean, peel and cube the pumpkin and bottle gourd.

Making the stew

  1. In a big sauce pan, boil the veggies in water and salt. Don’t add all vegetables together, add quick cooking vegetables later. 

  2. Once the veggies are 70%-75% done, add the tamarind extract and rice paste. Boil for few mins(4 to 5) till the raw smell of tamarind goes away

  3. Next take some liquid from the stew and mix the spice mixes into it. Make sure there are no lumps. Add this back to the stew again and stir well. 

  4. Boil for 2 to 3 mins. Next add Jaggery/sugar. Boil for 2 mins and turn off. 

  5. Keep the stew aside and add the tempering to it. Serve hot.! 


  1. Take a small pan and heat oil

  2. Once oil is hot add cumin seeds,mustard seeds, hing, turmeric powder and red chilies. fry for 1 or 2 mins.

  3. Now add curry leaves and turn off the heat. Our tempering is ready. 

  1. You can also use veggies like okra, sweet potato, beans etc. 
  2. Skip the jaggery or sugar if you don’t like it.
  3. Garnish with coriander or cilantro leaves if desired. 

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